Remember all those neat characters from McDonaldland? Besides Ronald, we havn't seen much of them in a long time. I don't know what got me started on these, but they are interesting looking, colorful characters and I think they are turning out nicer than I expected. They would go really well with the McDonald's playset that Fisher-Price made way back when. I don't have one of them to show, but if you would like to see what one looks like, just check on Ebay. There are usually some listed.
Anyway, these figures are, from left to right, Mayor McCheese, Ronald McDonald, Uncle O'Grimacey and a hamburger from the Hamburger Patch.
The first one that I made was Mayor McCheese. Like the Kermit figure from a previous post, I used a wooden bead cut in half for his cheeks. I also used a rounded toothpick for his nose. He took a long time to make, but I think he looks nice.
Next I made the little hamburger guy. Remember those little hamburgers that grew on the bushes in McDonaldland? Well, this is what he is. That's why I painted the bottom to look like green bushes.
Uncle O'Grimacey came third. I don't remember ever seeing him before, but he was a real McDonaldland character. I found out about him by looking up these McDonaldland characters online. McDonald's used him to advertise their shamrock shakes that they sell around St. Patrick's Day. Since it's that time of year now, I figured that now was the best time to make him! His arms are made from some wood craft sticks that I found at the dollar store. I cut them to size, rounded the ends, drilled holes in the figures body and glued the arms in place. The cane is made from part of a rounded toothpick with a wood bead for the top.
Last is Ronald McDonald. Those wood craft sticks came in handy here as well. I cut one down the middle to make a flat side that I could stick to the body, cut them to length, rounded off the hands and glued them in place. His hair is made from little fuzzy red balls that I found at the dollar store. I used the glue gun to stick them in place, and they seem to be really secure. Ronald also took a long time to make. It may not look it, but painting him actually took several hours.