Thursday, July 31, 2008


The top two pictures are of my new Bert and the bottom one is of the original Bert made by Fisher-Price. Quite a difference isn't there? Bert was a lot of fun to make. I had been thinking about making him for a long time. Months ago, when I was first thinking about making him, I knew that I wanted to use yarn for his hair, but I didn't know how I could glue it on so it would look right. I also couldn't figure out how I could make his ears. After a long time thinking about it, I think I've figured out a way that worked! For his hair, I used the same method as I did for the Zoe figure in an earlier post (drilling a hole in the head, glueing the yarn into the hole with epoxy, triming to length). For the ears I cut off the rounded ends of some little craft sticks that I found at the dollar store. They are also glued on with epoxy. Now I need to make Bert's best buddy Ernie!